Friday, June 5, 2009

Playtime on Vacation

I had a couple of pictures left from our fun time at my sister Marilee's house that I just had to post before moving on to California.

First is my nephew Jim with his adorable daughter, Emma.

Jim was so patient and took all the kids on bareback horse rides. Here is the extra brave Katelyn.

And Jocelyn who had no idea that this might be a little bit scary.

Then there is Melanie who is such a sweetheart. She was so willing to pose for me sitting up in the tree when the boys all ran when I suggested it. I have the most adorable nieces and nephews; I wish I could see them more often because they are all growing up so fast. My sister, Marilee, is so blessed to have all her grandchildren so close.

Today we are out in Roseville, California with Jami and her family. Jami is working on a wedding cake so Kaytee and I have had a lot of fun just playing with the boys. We took Jackson to the park for a picnic and to play. He and Kaytee built sand castles. First they patted the sand firmly in the bucket.

After they dumped it out they admired their architectural accomplishment.

Then J stomped it down, so they could build it again!
Kaytee and Jackson rode the teeter-totter.

And Jackson went down all the slides again and again.

He climbed up them too.

When we got back Jackson and Kaytee made balloon rockets to shoot around the back yard; and sometimes into the neighbor's yard.

While Nolan just sat around being adorable! Don't you just want to pick him up and squeeze him?!?


Colleen said...

Oh my gosh-these are the most adorable pictures! I love the captions with them too!

The Epps Fam said...

Oh my heck, I love the first picture! I just might have to save it to my files. Thanks for taking pictures. I love them and am so glad you came to visit!