Monday, June 30, 2008

OUR Baby!

If Tim, and those Mickelsens, can post - then I guess I can too! (Just hard for me to work the editing tools - I tried to get rid of the red-eye look but it doesn't work too well on my gorgeous green eyes.)
But look how scruffy Mom and Dad and Kaytee have let me get. Time for a haircut.

Wow! Now I feel soooo pretty. And the beard is gone too - now I look like a real girly girl!

I can even pose like my favorite statue.

Of course now Kaytee wants to cuddle with me all the time now that I am so clean and beautiful.

But as soon as she falls asleep I get to text all my friends and let them know to check out my blog. I am hot, hot, hot!


The Mickelsens said...

I love Maggie's post. It made me laugh!

the straz fam said...

Ok, even I (the "animal hater") think that Maggie looks cute with her short haircut! If I saw her I might even pet her. : )