Monday, September 1, 2008

Goodbye to a Loyal Friend

This afternoon we lost a most loyal and dear friend. Maggie was hit by a car a few hours ago. We got her on my birthday exactly three years ago. We will miss her snuggliness, her craziness and her ability to make us laugh. I will miss her keeping my feet warm this winter and Kaytee will miss her TV watching buddy. Dad will miss getting her all excited when he tells her that he has a rabbit for her to chase or that he is going to take her for a ride in the truck. And Meeko will miss the little sister who has kept him young. She has been a good friend to all of us.


the straz fam said...

This was a sweet post and a sweet picture of Kaytee and Maggs. I know she will be missed at your home and I know that Jackson will miss her when he comes to visit. Hope you guys are all doing OK. We love you!

Anonymous said...

I just saw this on Jami's blog and my heart is aching for your family! I am so sorry and know how much she will be missed-she was the Queen of Everything! J loved her too and still talks about her. She was dearly loved in her short time here! Love you guys!

The Partridge Fam said...

I'm so sorry, that is so sad. Especially since it was your birthday. I love you and think about you alot. I wish i could see you more. take care'your sis marilee