Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Since we both graduated from BYU, Kimball and I both really enjoy watching BYU sports. For Kimball's birthday we went down to watch a BYU basketball game (BYU killed Air Force - sorry Richard) Kaytee is a big fan of several of the players, especially their senior starter, Sam Burgess - in fact she chose to wear his number on her basketball jersey this past season.

The most fun is hamming it up in the stands waiting for the game to begin. Here are Kaytee and I wearing our BYU Blue. She seems to be putting up with me pretty well.

The best part is that we got to bring Grandma and Ralph along. Ralph is always a major fan and it is so much fun watching sports with him because he gets way into the games - of course we are usually watching the games in his basement on his mega-screen TV. (Don't I have the prettiest, youngest looking mom in the world!) If anyone in Utah reads this - please show her how to get onto a blog -- actually this blog so she can see all these pix. She keeps saying she is going to try if she can just figure out how to do it.

Of course it wouldn't be much fun for Kaytee with just all these "old people" so we invited Ralph's grandson, Nelson, to join us since we had an extra ticket. What a nice young man!

1 comment:

The Partridge Fam said...

I loved those pictures, thanks its so cool to be able to look and see what everyone is doing. I can't believe Jamies cakes she has a real talent!!! Love ya